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Gossip Harms. Kind Words Heal.


Grow Beyond Gossip in Your School to Increase Campus Morale, Classroom Productivity, and Student Happiness

Gossip is The Most Insidious Form of Bullying

Students today should not grow up believing that seemingly small acts of degradation are acceptable as long as they aren’t the target.


Gossip and social ostracization may come far down on the list of concerns for educators trying to prevent bullying. However, emerging research suggests that Relational Bullying is the most frequently overlooked. Addressing this issue specifically may hold the key to helping change an aggressive culture in schools.

So, What More Could We Be Doing For Our Youth?

How can schools be proactive in fighting school gossip?

By offering an educational series specifically relating to gossip that students can relate to, they may find comfort in knowing they are not alone. They will be equipped and empowered to manage gossip and challenging social situations.

Many students feel that their academic learning or school experience has been hindered by social and emotional issues they face at school. When students are taught about how harmful gossip can be, the information may be merely and briefly lumped together in a general bullying course, if mentioned at all.

And, while many schools implement SEL courses with good intentions, the content may be unrelatable, too academic or dated to be effective. This may leave students without useful tools or resources to help them through challenges they may face.

The key to minimizing gossip issues in schools is education and more awareness about the topic. Our course was created to capture the attention of students with educational and visual content that will help inspire and encourage them to be proactive in reducing gossip and increasing kindness.

Overlooking the severity of gossip can cause students to suffer both emotionally and academically.

How Can Anti-Gossip Education Benefit Students?

There is a growing body of research demonstrating that kindness and compassion have a profound effect on happiness and productivity. Implementing a SEL anti-gossiping program can improve the lives of your students and your school’s overall performance.
Students uneducated about gossip may experience…
  • Loneliness
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Suicidal ideation
  • Highly charged emotions
Students who know the power of words will…
  • Have a strong sense of community
  • Be mindful
  • Be kind
  • Have increased productivity
  • Look forward to coming to school

We are industry leaders on the topics of gossip and the power of words, and provide our clients with a strategic approach to delivering pertinent information through this engaging, informative and effective course geared for high school students.

The right resources will encourage teachers and students to advocate for a kinder, safer environment through the positive transformation of speech habits.

Schools armed with the proper resources to combat school gossip can experience:

  • Increased classroom attendance
  • A stronger sense of community and belonging
  • Increased academic engagement and enthusiasm
  • Increased campus morale
  • A more positive campus dynamic
  • Safer learning environment

How Anti-Gossip
Education Can
Improve Your School

The right SEL-based Anti-Gossiping course can create a happier, healthier and more productive learning environment for everyone!



Thriving Students =
Thriving School

Without the anxiety and psychological threat of damaged reputations, friendships – possibly lives – students are better able to flourish. Plus, overall school experiences can be improved.

Social Emotional Learning involves the processes by which people acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills to:

  • Understand and manage their emotions
  • Feel and show empathy for others
  • Develop and maintain positive relationships
  • Make responsible decisions and reasoned choices

Our course, GROWING BEYOND GOSSIP IN YOUR SCHOOL, touches on each of these SEL core competencies while raising awareness about the harmful effects of gossip.

Students who have a better understanding about the power of words and the importance of prudent and kind speech are more apt to improve their relationships, and contribute to the overall well-being of their school and community.

Are you ready to do something positive for your students and transform your campus?

Take a look inside the course:




The WordEffect founder will establish a relationship with the students and outline the mission & vision of the course.



What is Gossip?

This module will dive in and thoroughly define what gossip really is.



Why Do People Gossip?

Students will learn the many reasons behind gossip, and from where it stems.



The Destructive Effects of Gossip

This module shows how destructive gossip can be when allowed to run rampant.



How to Handle the Aftermath of Gossip

Whether a victim or perpetrator of gossip, this module reveals how students can deal with the challenges.



Overcoming and Rising Above Gossip

This module introduces kindness as the strongest weapon against gossip.



What Eliminating Gossip Can Do For You and Your School

The many benefits from eliminating gossip in a student’s life and school are outlined in this module.



The Value of Every Student

In this module each student will learn their worth and the role they can play in eliminating gossip in their school.



Wrap Up–Keep the Kindness Going

The course wraps up and students are given a fun 5-day challenge!

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what people are saying


“These are much needed words and messages which need to go around our country and planet. There is too much division in our relationships, communities and schools which we need to put a stop to. I have known Susan for over 15 years and I know where her heart is in making our world a better place.”

Mr. Robin Kasten

President, IHG Consulting


“In today's world, gossip is such an important issue rarely addressed. Kudos to Susan Williams for reminding us all to watch our words and be more gentle with each other. Positivity and kind words are contagious and lead to unity and peace.”

Dr. Patty Kerrigan

Founder, Foundation ThinkAgain


“Susan is extremely knowledgeable as well as a great facilitator to understanding how damaging gossip and toxic language is. She has purpose and passion to create positive change. Whether she is presenting in a church, or in schools, nonprofits, businesses or large corporations, she has a message we all need to hear.”

Dr. Kathie Mathis

CEO, Cognitive Behavioral Institute


“WordEffect is a movement and a mission which has the power to change the world. The words we choose to speak each day make a huge difference in our lives and in the lives of those around us. We, not just students, can all learn and grow through the timeless message of WordEffect.”

Dr. Robert and Donna Schuller

Robert Schuller Ministries


“This is critical work, at a critical time in our nation’s history. The WordEffect organization is dedicated and passionate about their message and has the potential and know-how to change how we view ourselves and our relations with others at home, work, and in our communities. This information can be invaluable to our youth during their school years”

Michael Glover

Attorney, Heggeness, Sweet,
Simington & Patrico

Transform Your School Today!


How Will I Know This Course Will Work for My Students?

This course is based on decades of experience and research. While there is no guarantee that the course will make a positive impact on every student, it is intended to help raise awareness about the power of words and the harmful effects of gossip – all the while inspiring kindness.

How Long Is The Course?

In total, the entire course is approximately 70 minutes. Each of the nine modules range from 5-10 minutes. It is recommended the course be delivered over a one week period, thereby allowing for course review and discussion after each module.                                                           

Is the course viewed individually or as a group?

We recommend viewing it as a group so everyone experiences the same modules at the same time. A Teacher’s Guide is provided to assist in facilitating questions and group discussion after each session.

Are there other resources available for students after completing the course? 

We offer bracelets and posters to reinforce course content and keep the conversations going. These items have QR codes which link to a student-only landing page where they can share ideas, thoughts, or questions.


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